Thank You For Supporting Our Little Company & Happy New Year!

About Us

‏‏‎Thanks so much for taking the time to check out what we're about here.
‏‏‎My name is Oscar and I'm the founder behind this little company, we call ORIJIN

Before starting ORIJIN, I went through a difficult phase of intense mental and physical burnout. Eventually, the stresses and strains that arose from never-ending tasks luckily dropped me off my feet (literally) and forced me to reassess.

All of our products start from pencil to paper. They are carefully designed to help remind myself and the lovely global community we have (18,000 customers and counting) to slow down, take our time, and not compare ourselves to the pace of others. To stop doing just for the sake of doing, and to re-think how we spend our time.

Everything you see here on this website has been made possible by amazing production teams from around the globe and by our little team here in-house.

Your support allows us to continue designing intentional products, and ultimately fulfill our mission to promote mindfulness and wellness through the products we create and put out into the world.

Should you have any questions whatsoever, please be sure to send us a message, we'd be thrilled to help.

‎O R I J I N



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